Where Can I Find an Internal Medicine Vet with Boarding?

When your furry friend is under the weather, or you’re planning a trip away from home, there’s a good chance you’re seeking a place that not only can provide outstanding medical care but also a safe spot for your four-legged family member to stay. Locating a top-notch internal medicine veterinarian who offers boarding services can ensure your pet gets the continuous care they may need, even when you can’t be there. Let’s explore how to find the best care and boarding for your pet.

The Specialized Skills of an Internal Medicine Vet in Pet Care

Finding a vet who specializes in internal medicine is crucial when your pet has a complex health condition that goes beyond routine check-ups and vaccinations. But what does an internal medicine vet do, and why might you need one?

  • Specialized Care: These veterinarians have advanced training in diagnosing and treating complex diseases that affect internal organs.

  • Chronic Conditions: They are especially skilled in managing pets with ongoing health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, or kidney disorders.

  • Advanced Techniques: Such vets are adept at procedures like endoscopies, ultrasounds, and other diagnostic tests not typically performed by your regular vet.

Seeing an internal medicine specialist can be the difference between getting a basic treatment and receiving a tailored and in-depth approach to your pet’s health needs.

Boarding Options for Pets with Special Medical Needs

Now, you know a bit more about what an internal medicine vet can do, but what about boarding? Well, not all boarding facilities are created equal, especially when your pet has specific medical requirements.

  • Medical Boarding: Certain facilities offer medical boarding, which means they have the capacity to handle pets with health conditions that standard boarding services can’t accommodate.

  • Trained Staff: They have vet technicians and sometimes vets on staff to administer medications, perform treatments, and monitor your pet’s condition around the clock.

  • Peace of Mind: Leaving your pet in a place that can handle emergencies or ongoing treatments can offer you the reassurance you need while you’re away.

Finding a place that offers both specialized veterinary care and boarding might seem like a tall order, but it’s not impossible. Let’s find out how to locate these gems for your peace of mind and your pet’s well-being.

Finding the Right Vet with Boarding for Your Pet

How exactly do you go about finding a place that ticks all the boxes? Here are some tried and true steps:

Start with a Search

Begin your quest by running an online search for internal medicine vet options that also offer boarding. Don’t hesitate to extend your search radius; sometimes, the perfect facility might be a bit further away, but it is well worth the drive for the quality of care.

Check Reviews and Recommendations

Once you have a list of potential places, dive into reviews and ask for recommendations from fellow pet owners or your primary vet. Positive experiences from other pet parents may give you confidence in a facility’s services.

Verify Credentials and Certifications

Don’t take a facility at face value. Do some digging and confirm that they have veterinarians who are board-certified in internal medicine – this ensures that your pet is getting care from someone with a higher level of expertise.

Tour the Facility

Before making a decision, visit the facility in person to see where your pet will be staying and to meet with the staff who will be looking after them. Ensure it’s clean, well-organized, and staffed by professionals who truly care about the animals.

Often, veterinary clinics like Animal Medical Center provide comprehensive services ranging from preventative care to specialized treatments, and these facilities might also offer boarding options suited for pets with medical needs.

What to Consider When Boarding a Pet with an Internal Medicine Vet

When you’re checking into boarding options at a specialized veterinary facility, keep these factors in mind:

Medical Supervision

It’s crucial to ensure that your pet will receive ample medical supervision. Ask specific questions about how often your pet will be checked and what protocols are in place for emergencies.

Care and Comfort

Your pet’s comfort should be a top priority. Find out what kind of accommodations and care they will provide. Will there be comfy beds, quiet areas for stressed pets, or spaces for those who need to be separated due to medical conditions?


Clarify how the facility updates you on your pet’s status while boarding. Whether it’s daily texts, emails, or calls, staying informed will keep you at ease while you’re away.


Specialized care and boarding can be pricey. Have an upfront discussion about costs, what’s included in the boarding fee, and how additional medical services are charged so there are no surprises.

As for the specific accommodations, facilities with pet boarding options for those under medical care might include:

  • Individualized attention to each pet’s dietary and medical treatment schedules

  • Comfortable, well-ventilated, and clean individual housing areas

  • 24/7 on-call veterinary support

  • Regular updates to pet owners

It’s important to weigh all these factors and choose a boarding facility that makes you feel comfortable and confident in the care they’re offering your pet.


Finding an internal medicine vet with boarding facilities doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With a little research, due diligence, and facility visits, you can find the perfect place that will cater to your pet’s medical needs while providing a safe and nurturing environment for them to stay. Aim for facilities that prioritize your pet’s health and comfort, offering specialized medical attention and loving care. This way, you can enjoy your time away, knowing your furry companion is in the best hands.