5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Ignore Pet Dental Care

Pet owners are often unaware of the significance of dental hygiene. Your pet’s quality of life can be significantly compromised if you neglect their oral health, leading to problems like tooth decay, gum disease, and even organ damage. Maintaining your pet’s overall health and well-being requires practicing good oral hygiene, including brushing, giving dental chews, and scheduling routine professional cleanings. Let’s discuss the significance of pet dental care.

The Importance of Pet Dental Health

Pet parents want healthy mouths for their pets. You must take care of your pet’s teeth just like you do your own to prevent plaque buildup and dental disease. Here are five reasons why animal dental health is so important to their overall wellness:

Prevent Tooth Loss

Your dog’s tooth-supporting structures may suffer injury or infection. Long-term, severe damage might cause their teeth to become loose or even fall out. Dental care for dogs is essential for maintaining the health of the gums, jawbone, and teeth. That way, your dog’s teeth won’t fall out as they eat and play.

Prevent Bad Breath

Do you smell your dog’s foul breath after giving him a slobbery kiss? That’s a sign that bacteria accumulate due to dogs’ poor oral hygiene; therefore, it’s time for proper dental treatment. Regular brushing helps remove plaque before it turns into tartar, causing odors.

Otherwise, a veterinary dentist must remove the tartar buildup from your dog’s teeth. Regularly brushing your dog’s teeth can prevent the growth of this odor.

Prevent Oral Pain

Your pet cannot tell you when they are in pain, and the signs are frequently severe before you notice something is wrong. Treating gingivitis, periodontal disease, decaying teeth, infections, and inflammation can be painful and expensive.

Additionally, they can result in more severe diseases like kidney, heart, and lung damage. Regular pet dental care prevents mouth pain; your veterinarian will spot problems before they worsen.

Prevent Organ Damage

Dental problems can quickly turn into serious health problems. Plaque-forming bacteria can get into the bloodstream. That bacterium can spread to the heart, liver, and kidneys after traveling through the body.

Organ damage is a major health issue that can result in death but can be prevented with dental care. You can maintain your dog’s long-term health and happiness by focusing on dental care.

Prevent Diseases From Getting Worse

Evidence shows that 80% of dogs over three years old suffer from dog dental disease. Not only is dental disease painful and uncomfortable for pets, but the longer it goes untreated, the more difficult and often expensive the treatment is to clean and remove teeth.

Veterinarians are trained to diagnose and treat dental disease at any stage, so they can check your pet and devise a plan to keep it from progressing to more serious problems throughout the body. You may refer to this website CatAndCowVet.com for proper pet dental care.


Like people, pets need routine cleanings and exams to maintain good oral health. Veterinarians encourage pet owners to know the importance of preventative dental care and the role of regular home dental care, regular veterinary examinations, and professional dental cleanings in maintaining oral health.

Consult a veterinary dentist if you’re having trouble giving your pet proper dental care at home. Don’t hesitate to give them a call because they are knowledgeable about caring for your pet’s teeth. Your primary priority should be the health and well-being of your pet.